When someone comes to me for inner healing and deliverance, I begin by taking them through a process of cultivating the heart for repentance, walking through forgiveness, curse-breaking, trauma and wound healing, renouncing ungodly spiritual ties, removing witchcraft and occult, deliverance, and teaching my clients to pray prayers that are mighty in pulling down demonic strongholds. Most of these sessions are done via Zoom and I'm able to help people around the world.
Because the need is so great, I typically have more people requesting deliverance than I can fit in and I am sometimes backed up for weeks or even months. God started talking to me about conducting public services with corporate inner healing and deliverance and I stepped out in faith. When I had my first Healing House service, I had no idea who would possibly show up, if anyone, but to my surprise, we had a full house. Since then, I conduct semi-monthly services and live online deliverance sessions and renouncements, and prayers.
If you are looking for individual deliverance, contact me and I'll send you a schedule of availability. I would be happy to see if I or a member of my team could help you.
If your church, bible group, or business, would like to experience corporate inner healing and deliverance, with training for your team, contact me for details and available dates.