But God chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise; God chose the weak things of the world to shame the strong. 1 Corinthian 1:27
Paul knew all about weak and foolish things when he wrote this verse. He had spent many years persecuting and trying to destroy the church. But one day, while on his way to imprison more Christians, Paul had a life-altering encounter with Jesus. As a changed man, Paul, the man who tried to destroy the church, suddenly became God's instrument to build the church. Paul - the church planter. Funny isn't it. He must have looked on his earlier years and thought, "Oh, what an ignorant fool I was." I was meditating on this a few weeks ago and in my conversation with God I said, "Well, I was an ignorant fool in my marriage. If anyone did their share to destroy marriage it was me. In fact, I pretty much made a mockery of marriage. Oh, what an ignorant fool I was..." I then heard His gentle but unmistakable voice say, "That's exactly why I'm now going to use you to BUILD marriages." "Ummm...God, that might not be such a good idea. There are people who probably think I should be that LAST person to talk about marriage. God? Did you hear me? I really think I'm NOT the one you want speaking on that subject." Crickets... So, imagine my surprise when a week later a pastor approaches me and says, "God has made it clear to me in several ways that I am supposed to ask you to speak at our marriage retreat next weekend." Yes, a marriage retreat....to BUILD marriages. Trust me, I'm as shocked as anyone. But I'm also in awe and amazement at our God who uses the weak and foolish to shame the strong. So this weekend I'm speaking at a marriage retreat. And here is what is so wonderful - as I been studying and praying I have rediscovered my profound love for marriage! Marriage is the most beautiful and poignant picture of Jesus and his bride. Marriage is new life. It's miraculous. It's oneness. It's mystical. Marriage is REALLY important to God and as it is becoming more and more extinct, he is adamant about protecting it. Oh, what a fool I was that I didn't see this when I was married. Oh, how weak and utterly foolish I was...but oh, how good God is to use my failings for His glory. That's why they call him "The Redeemer." That's why I love Him.
Job 5:18 For he wounds, but he also binds up; he injures, but his hands also heal.
Marilee sat on the examining table as Dr. Grace carefully ran his hands along the lower part of her leg. She had broken that leg four years earlier but was still experiencing pain that caused her to limp. After a few more moments of probing, Dr. Grace said, "I'm going to have to re-break the bone." "Re-break my leg?" Marilee gasped as her memory revisited the pain of the first break. "Is that really necessary? Will it be painful?" Dr Grace replied with compassion, "When your leg was broken, your bones didn't fuse back together correctly and your leg healed wrong. If I don't re-break it and allow it to heal properly this time, you will experience pain for the rest of your life and your leg will never work the way it's supposed to. Yes, the re-break will be painful, but I will help you through it. I do this often and I have a wonderful success rate." Do you see a parallel here between Marilee's broken leg and your broken heart? A long time ago your heart was broken. In your efforts to suppress the pain you ran to any source of healing that you could get; another relationship, music, hobbies or whatever took your mind off of the brokenness. But God, the creator of your heart, could see that it didn't heal correctly and for that reason, it doesn't work quite right. It limps...and it experiences pain often. So he allowed your heart to be re-broken. Yes, he allowed it! And he even ORDERED it. And now he is personally tending to your healing. Psalm 147:3 says, "He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds." Healing is painful. But in God's miraculous and upside-down kingdom, pain is healing. As you feel that pain, to heal correctly, you must run to him and him only. You can not run to anyone else or anything else. He is your doctor and he knows how to heal you. He is also your Redeemer and he knows how to redeem you. He loves to redeem! He loves to rebuild! He repairs, restores, recreates and yes, He even re-breaks. He does this all because his loving desire is for your heart to work properly. Why? Because He intends for you to use it again. There are more people ahead in your future that God wants you to love with the purest and most sincere love - His love. He must teach you His ways and His love. Not the way you learned in the past, a NEW way of loving. Let him un-break your heart. You still have a lifetime of love ahead of you. Recently a friend of mine, Shannon, adopted a child from Africa. Upon returning home with the new little girl the family soon discovered how starved for food she had been. She could not stop eating! Over-eating became an issue and Shannon would have to take the food away explaining to her that there is more food coming later. Her explanations were met with tears and angst as the little girl could not comprehend a "supply" of food waiting for her.
God spoke to me through this one day. When we see singles over-dating they are actually starved for love so they think the answer is to gorge themselves on the opposite sex with as much attention as they can get. I see this with those who keep multiple people on the hook at one time and move in and out of new relationships often. And as the little girl fought and cried when her food was taken away, people in starvation mode FALL APART when their source of attention is taken away. So let me ask you this: What feeds your soul? What are you hungering for today? Is is that long awaited text? Is it to meet someone new? Is that what will truly feed your soul? Maybe you're not getting it right now and you're throwing a fit with God. But, maybe He is withholding it for a reason - because he doesn't want to feed your flesh, He wants to feed your SOUL and cure your starvation. There is a "supply" waiting for you that will truly satisfy your hunger. Look at this verse from Psalm 63:5. "My soul will be satisfied as with the richest of foods..." This is fascinating! Your soul can be so satisfied that you no longer hunger for fruitless relationships. There is MORE FOOD! And how do you get this food? The rest of the verse tells us, "...with singing lips my mouth will praise you." This is one of the mysteries of the kingdom - what we speak out with our lips fills us on the inside. Praise fills you up! A relationship with the opposite sex should be a bonus - not the meal. When we are satisfied with Jesus first, a relationship then feels like a wonderful desert and everything falls into place as it should with no expectations. Today ask yourself - "What feeds my soul?" He sent a man before them – Joseph sold as a slave. They afflicted his feet with fetters, He himself was laid in irons; Until the time that his word came to pass, The word of the LORD tested him. Psalm 105:17 -19
It was a bright, sunny morning as Joseph rubbed the last bits of slumber from his eyes. Hope and excitement burst into his tent like the rays of the sun as his thoughts raced about the dream he had just woken from. He dreamed that he would rule over his household. Joseph thought of all the land his father owned, the cattle, the sheep, the servants and even the households of his brothers. He imagined his father anointing him, the youngest, in the presence of his brothers as “Master Joseph.” Then he imagined his brothers falling before him as he took his father’s place as the head. No doubt, Joseph probably thought he would soon be the richest teenager in the land. But all Josephs’ dreams came crashing down when soon after, he was sold by his brothers into slavery and then sent to prison under a false accusation. It didn’t seem possible – one day he is given a special word by God, and the next day that same word seems buried under a pile of impossible circumstances. As Joseph sat in a dark prison days passed, and then years until Joseph’s dream finally seemed like the distant blur of a childhood dream. Or did it? The bible tells us that during those years that Joseph was shackled and in prison, that word kept reappearing and replaying itself over and over in his heart testing his faithfulness and character. At times it must have seemed like a cruel joke - Joseph would remember the dreams and then look around at his circumstances. He wasn’t the head of anything. In fact, he was living the polar opposite of his dreams! However, something dynamic was happening during those tests. What happens when a word that God has given us tests us while we are waiting for it to manifest? God tells us the answer in Psalm 12:6 And the words of the LORD are flawless, like silver refined in a furnace of clay, purified seven times. That word is refined and purified until the day it is taken from the furnace of clay and then it shines like the most beautiful thing you have ever seen. And sister, YOU are the furnace of clay! Somewhere along the line, God has given you a word and placed it into your spirit; you will be healed, your children will serve the Lord, your marriage will survive, your finances will turn around, and each time you see that your circumstances aren’t anywhere close to that word, that word is tested. Each time you say over your circumstances, “I still trust God!” That word is purified and glorifies God. The day finally came when Joseph was rewarded for his faithfulness and his dreams came true. He was given honor, position, wife and family and the list goes on. Joseph’s answer exceeded his expectations and he not only became ruler of his household but of the richest country in the land! Surely if we could interview Joseph now he would say, “It was worth it all!” Hold true dear sister. If God gave you a word, He will bring it to pass. It will most assuredly come with some tests, but it will happen and it will exceed your highest expectations! In my recent studies about Jewish customs I came across this article written by a Jew. As I read it I felt grieved of how we so easily dishonor one another. No wonder our relationships with others are so strained and awful. I have taken this article to heart and it has deepened my understanding of Paul’s plea to “Be devoted to one another in brotherly love. Honor one another above yourselves.” (Romans 12:10)
The Sin Against Persons by Arnold Jacob Wolf Many important commandments have been abandoned by almost all Jews, including those who consider themselves observant. One of these laws is the prohibition against shaming another in public. "Shaming" is vividly described in the Hebrew phrase as "whitening the face." Under accusation in public, one's blood leaves one's cheeks. One almost, as it were, dies of embarrassment, indicating that the sin of shaming is like murder. Murder, in fact, can find atonement, if the murderer is truly sorry. But I may shame my neighbor without even knowing what I have done, in which case I will never repent for my sin. We are commanded rather to let ourselves be destroyed than to embarrass any other person in public. Tamar, who had the goods on her father-in-law after he visited her sexually, never named him as the offender, but only indicated what pledge he left with her, so that he could identify himself without being made ashamed. Joseph cleared the room before he disclosed himself to his brothers so that they might not be put to shame in the presence of the Egyptian court. For many generations, Jews have taken pains not to embarrass even a guilty person, much less one simply inferior in station or in power. We are commanded not to give offense by words, by deeds, by epithets, even by hints. We are not to insult the stupid who would not even know they were being put down, nor our intimates, with whom we sometimes tend to think anything goes. Shaming in the Jewish tradition We are not allowed to recall someone's past offenses, blemished ancestry or personal weaknesses. If someone owes us money, we must not go near him in public, lest our very presence put him to shame. If we are well dressed and affluent, we should avoid poor neighborhoods and needy people. If we are collecting for a cause, we must be certain in advance that anyone we approach is able to contribute. When we recite the verse from the blessings after meals, "I have grown old without ever seeing a good person in need or his children begging bread," we should lower our voices, in case there is a beggar at our table. There is a precise etiquette for Jewish study. A teacher must not ask a student questions he probably cannot answer, nor the student ask questions outside his teacher's field of competence. Neither should they be queried in the presence of critical colleagues, nor when they have something else on their minds nor when they first enter the school-room. Blessings over study are said together, in case someone doesn't know the text by heart. We should not watch someone eat or drink or do anything incompetently. We should not ask our host for what we don't see, because he may be unable to provide it. Virgins go out to find husbands (on Yom Kippur, according to the Mishnah) in borrowed garments, so as not to shame any poor young woman. Invidiousness is itself shame, so all our dead are buried alike according to tradition, and thus no Jew need be ashamed. Rabba said: "one is allowed to shame himself, even though it is against Jewish law to do oneself harm." But one must never "whiten the face" of any other woman or man. But we still shame today I believe that much of our civilization is based directly on shame. Prisons destroy prisoners by treating them shamefully. Students are very often subjected to inane procedures whose effect is precisely to make them feel inferior. Some Israeli actions in the past were designed specifically to demean Arabs. In the modern world, knowledge itself has become invidious. We use our minds to master the cosmos and to surpass our colleagues. We make fun of what is intractably mysterious and act as if all can be known. The best and brightest among us serve the worst in order to demean those less successful than both of them. Even the Jewish community in America no longer knows how to debate issues without destroying people. Our good causes grow by way of professional invidiousness, and our best institutions become training-grounds for making and breaking reputations. Courtesy, patience, respect for others pay no dividends, though obsequiousness and hypocrisy often do. While Jewish life goes through one crisis after another, some of our celebrities still achieve and hold office by denouncing their fellow-Jews, and raise money by insulting those who cannot give. Small congregations, small bank-accounts, small IQs are literally of no account. It is only the successful who merit our attention and even they not much of our respect. Rabbis are subject to relentless congregational gossip and honorable lay-leaders to suspicion and envy. The American cult of success has undermined what should be essentially collective and collaborative in Jewish communal experience. When our hopes are crushed in the painful reality of a failed relationship, the question in our heart can be, “Will I ever love someone again?” The lingering wounds of a lost love can rob us of hope and trick us into thinking that we won’t be able to forget that person and move on. But our hearts have a much larger capacity to love than we think and we can love again.
You see, when I had my first child Dallas, I loved him with such intensity because I had never known such love until I had him. Then 2 years later I learned that I was pregnant again. I remember a particular discussion with my husband one night. We feared that we couldn’t possibly love another child like Dallas. We were sad that our second child might be short-changed. But we were very surprised. Our second child was born and our love poured out for him with the same intensity as our first. And then our third child was born and again we experienced the newness of a fresh and intense love. We learned that our hearts keep enlarging and we keep loving more and more as God puts more people in our lives. If God gave me 20 children he would give me the ability to love each individually and intensely. It’s the same with our relationships. There may be special people in our past that we love and we may always love them to a degree. But we can also love another person with an intense and special love that is specific to only them. I have widowed friends that have remarried and they can confirm this. When we have the author of love in our hearts, Jesus, we have unlimited love. If you are still pining over a lost love and feel like you can never love again, give God a chance to show you differently. Have hope! Open your heart! God wants to show you something new and intense. He is the God who loved you before the world began and through Him you can have love for the people in you past love and an amazing love for someone new. Hope in God. The best IS yet to come!! “And the man and his wife were both naked and were not ashamed.” (Gen 2:25) This is God’s description of the unity he wants a husband and wife to experience: to be honest, transparent and unashamed. Yet, millions of couples are getting into bed with layers and layers of clothes on (baggage, guilt and unhealed wounds from past relationships.) All these unresolved issues create distance between married couples and keep them from real intimacy.
As single people, these are things we can deal with now so that when God blesses us with a marriage we can truly be naked and unashamed as God designed. I’m not speaking of naked in the physical sense – I’m speaking of a true stripping down of all the walls we have spent years building around ourselves: guilt, regrets, mistakes, distrust, unforgiveness – layers and layers of spiritual clothes that we have put on through the years. God has brought this to my attention in my own life. I resisted for quite some time unwilling to strip away those walls and become totally transparent and vulnerable again. Yet, the truth of his word is undisputable; I can’t experience God’s best design for marriage unless I take some serious steps to remove those walls. As I have been praying, God has been revealing what those walls are. It’s a painful process – sometimes requiring forgiving others and sometimes requiring forgiving myself. I’ve experienced this spiritual removal of walls lately and it’s been both frightening and freeing. Frightening because someone may see the real me inside and decide I'm not for them, but freeing because the real me is coming out and I’m no longer like Jacob dressing up as Esau to get a blessing. I’m ME! And I really like me. More importantly, I like what God has made me – an image of himself, a reflection of Christ, a witness back to HIM that his work on the cross has changed me forever. Do I have any regrets about my first marriage? Yes – just one. I regret that I didn’t have an understanding of “Covenant.” When two people enter into covenant, neither belongs to himself anymore. In covenant, two become one, and they obligate themselves to each other in such a way that it would literally require their lives if they broke it. This was often referred to as a “walk into death.”
Let me explain. In Bible times when two people were preparing to “cut” a covenant, animals were slain, cut in half down the spine, and situated apart from each other. Then, two men stood opposite one another. Each removed his own robes and handed them to the other, then clothed himself in his covenant brother’s garment. This signified, I am putting on you…and you me. We are one. Then they picked up their weapons and each handed the other his sword or bow. By this action they understood, Your enemies are now mine….and mine are yours. Then they handed each other their belts. When you are weak, my strength will be there for you. In a figure-eight path, both walked through the pieces of flesh lying opposite one another. It was a “walk into death.” I am dying to my independent living…and to my rights. They swore an oath as they pointed first to heaven – God, do so to me…and then to the slain animals, If I break this covenant! Then each made a cut on his wrist, and with a handclasp the two mingled their blood. It is agreed: We – once two – have now become one. In turn, each recited what he owned and what he owed; from this day forward they would share all their resources. What is mine is yours…what is yours is mine. Each reached down and scooped up dirt mingled with small stones and rubbed this abrasive into the cut in his wrist. Wherever I am, when I lift my hand and see the scar, I will remember I have a covenant partner. They exchanged new names. Because of covenant I have a new identity. They sat down and partook of a covenant meal. One broke bread and placed it in his covenant partner’s mouth; then the other did the same. You are eating me, and I you. Finally, a memorial was set up as a testimony of the covenant they had made – a pile of stones, a planted tree, a written contract. Now I call you Friend- my friend who sticks closer than a brother. Do you see dear brother or sister the seriousness of covenant? Can you understand why covenant should not be entered into lightly? Oh how I have grieved over this very truth! However, God is a god of Grace and Restoration! We may have blown it in the past, but God’s mercies are new each morning. If you are in a marriage that seems dead, why not meditate on covenant today. If you are in a serious relationship currently, you most definitely need to meditate on covenant. And if you are single, like me, and believe in faith that God wants to give you your heart’s desire in a mate, then read this post over and over again until you get the meaning of covenant in your spirit. Then take some time to rejoice over one more thing- we are in covenant with Jesus! HE has told us that our enemies are now HIS, our debts HE has covered, when we are weak – HE is strong for us, and HE is a friend who sticks closer than a brother. HE wears the scar of this covenant on his hand and holds it up boldly for the evil one to see. Do you see the beauty of covenant now? The day I dreaded for so long finally took place last week. I took my middle son, Dalton, to college. I was happy for him but sad that the college is four hours away. As I drove down the highway with Dalton following in his car behind me, my heart was breaking.
I was careful to make sure that there was ample distance between my car and Dalton’s so that he could not see me wiping tears from my cheeks. I tried to dial my best friend – no answer. I tried to call my sister – no answer. I then tried to call my wise, Aunt Carole – strike three. I finally just cried out to God. As I sobbed, I told him that I wasn’t ready to be an empty-nester yet. Even though Dylan, my youngest is a senior in high-school, I felt the impending pain of possibly making another trip like this next year. As I told God about the pain, God gently began to tell me about HIS pain. He reminded me of the time that Abraham set out to take his son Isaac on a dreaded three-day journey. Abraham’s heart was breaking because he was going to sacrifice his son. They climbed the chosen mountain together and as Isaac carried a stack of wood on his back, Abraham carried the knife and the fire. I can’t imagine how heavy Abraham’s heart must have been going up that mountain. Abraham is actually a picture of God – the Father who walked his son up a hill to become a sacrifice. God walked every step of the way with Jesus as he neared Golgotha. Jesus carried the cross on his back and God carried the fire. Then God spoke to my heart, “When you understand how much I love my son, you will then understand how much I love YOU – because I gave him up for you!” Suddenly, something clicked in my spirit and I finally “got it.” We love our children more than our own selves. God loves Jesus the same. But God would not withhold even Jesus for our salvation. Do you see that? God gave up his SON for us! Meditate on that today. You need to understand how much God really, really loves you. Enough to suffer the pain of separation from his son for you! Then, may you be filled with joy to know that are so loved. Stress, stress, stress!! Crises after crises seems to be coming at me like a machine gun. Pow - pow- pow -pow...Most of this is stemming from my job. A recent shift in my duties has landed me in a hotbed of a problematic and faltering business. I've been told that if it doesn't turn around....well, I won't go there.
So, everyday as soon as I enter my office, customers, contractors, my bosses, vendors and staff hit me with a laundry list of problems that need immediate attention. Even when I try to leave for lunch and on weekends my phone rings with another "crises". How have I dealt with all this? Well, I admit - I think I could have handled some things better. I feel as if I have been short with a few people - or at least not my usual perky self. And I noticed that my staff was becoming hesitant to step in the doorway of my office with another problem. Maybe I was giving off a vibe that this wasn't a good time. Maybe they were starting to believe that NO time is a good time. I recently told the Lord, "I feel overwhelmed and pushed beyond my limits and my frustration is leaking out onto those around me. I didn't know this kind of frustration was in me! Where did this come from?!" Evidently, it was in there all along but I had never been tested to this magnitude. It was time for the refining fire to rid me of a little thing called impatience. But God is good and didn't allow me to go it alone. First he laid it on my heart to search him out on this. I could hear sweet whisperings in my spirit during prayer, "No-one should EVER find you unapproachable. Once they do, it gives them a sense of uneasiness." "Jesus in all things was tested just like we are....he understands the pressing crowds and overwhelming needs" "Each person deserves our best." But now that I knew God's heart on this - the question was how to do it when I'm just not feeling it. For me, there has only been one way to handle these last few weeks; my prayer language. It has energized me, edified me, lifted me up and taken me beyond my normal capabilities. In fact, I think it's been a small miracle how much praying in my prayer language throughout the day has strengthened me. I know it sounds crazy, but I'm glad I had to undergo such stress to discover such a wonderful key to our daily life. Praying in the Spirit. Lesson learned. Thanks teacher. |
January 2025