Job 5:18 For he wounds, but he also binds up; he injures, but his hands also heal.
Marilee sat on the examining table as Dr. Grace carefully ran his hands along the lower part of her leg. She had broken that leg four years earlier but was still experiencing pain that caused her to limp. After a few more moments of probing, Dr. Grace said, "I'm going to have to re-break the bone." "Re-break my leg?" Marilee gasped as her memory revisited the pain of the first break. "Is that really necessary? Will it be painful?" Dr Grace replied with compassion, "When your leg was broken, your bones didn't fuse back together correctly and your leg healed wrong. If I don't re-break it and allow it to heal properly this time, you will experience pain for the rest of your life and your leg will never work the way it's supposed to. Yes, the re-break will be painful, but I will help you through it. I do this often and I have a wonderful success rate." Do you see a parallel here between Marilee's broken leg and your broken heart? A long time ago your heart was broken. In your efforts to suppress the pain you ran to any source of healing that you could get; another relationship, music, hobbies or whatever took your mind off of the brokenness. But God, the creator of your heart, could see that it didn't heal correctly and for that reason, it doesn't work quite right. It limps...and it experiences pain often. So he allowed your heart to be re-broken. Yes, he allowed it! And he even ORDERED it. And now he is personally tending to your healing. Psalm 147:3 says, "He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds." Healing is painful. But in God's miraculous and upside-down kingdom, pain is healing. As you feel that pain, to heal correctly, you must run to him and him only. You can not run to anyone else or anything else. He is your doctor and he knows how to heal you. He is also your Redeemer and he knows how to redeem you. He loves to redeem! He loves to rebuild! He repairs, restores, recreates and yes, He even re-breaks. He does this all because his loving desire is for your heart to work properly. Why? Because He intends for you to use it again. There are more people ahead in your future that God wants you to love with the purest and most sincere love - His love. He must teach you His ways and His love. Not the way you learned in the past, a NEW way of loving. Let him un-break your heart. You still have a lifetime of love ahead of you.
January 2025