Do I have any regrets about my first marriage? Yes – just one. I regret that I didn’t have an understanding of “Covenant.” When two people enter into covenant, neither belongs to himself anymore. In covenant, two become one, and they obligate themselves to each other in such a way that it would literally require their lives if they broke it. This was often referred to as a “walk into death.”
Let me explain. In Bible times when two people were preparing to “cut” a covenant, animals were slain, cut in half down the spine, and situated apart from each other. Then, two men stood opposite one another. Each removed his own robes and handed them to the other, then clothed himself in his covenant brother’s garment. This signified, I am putting on you…and you me. We are one. Then they picked up their weapons and each handed the other his sword or bow. By this action they understood, Your enemies are now mine….and mine are yours. Then they handed each other their belts. When you are weak, my strength will be there for you. In a figure-eight path, both walked through the pieces of flesh lying opposite one another. It was a “walk into death.” I am dying to my independent living…and to my rights. They swore an oath as they pointed first to heaven – God, do so to me…and then to the slain animals, If I break this covenant! Then each made a cut on his wrist, and with a handclasp the two mingled their blood. It is agreed: We – once two – have now become one. In turn, each recited what he owned and what he owed; from this day forward they would share all their resources. What is mine is yours…what is yours is mine. Each reached down and scooped up dirt mingled with small stones and rubbed this abrasive into the cut in his wrist. Wherever I am, when I lift my hand and see the scar, I will remember I have a covenant partner. They exchanged new names. Because of covenant I have a new identity. They sat down and partook of a covenant meal. One broke bread and placed it in his covenant partner’s mouth; then the other did the same. You are eating me, and I you. Finally, a memorial was set up as a testimony of the covenant they had made – a pile of stones, a planted tree, a written contract. Now I call you Friend- my friend who sticks closer than a brother. Do you see dear brother or sister the seriousness of covenant? Can you understand why covenant should not be entered into lightly? Oh how I have grieved over this very truth! However, God is a god of Grace and Restoration! We may have blown it in the past, but God’s mercies are new each morning. If you are in a marriage that seems dead, why not meditate on covenant today. If you are in a serious relationship currently, you most definitely need to meditate on covenant. And if you are single, like me, and believe in faith that God wants to give you your heart’s desire in a mate, then read this post over and over again until you get the meaning of covenant in your spirit. Then take some time to rejoice over one more thing- we are in covenant with Jesus! HE has told us that our enemies are now HIS, our debts HE has covered, when we are weak – HE is strong for us, and HE is a friend who sticks closer than a brother. HE wears the scar of this covenant on his hand and holds it up boldly for the evil one to see. Do you see the beauty of covenant now?
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January 2025